Leaf diagnostic analyses

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Plant tissue analysis includes all chemical, microbiological and molecular analyzes that can be performed on the following parts of a plant:
✅ Leaves
✅ Stem
✅ Root
✅ Genetic material (seeds)
More specifically, with the analysis of leaves and shoots, the physicochemical properties are examined and the values of all the chemical nutrients that determine the physical state of a plant are measured. In addition, microbiological analysis of plant leaves and roots can detect plant health problems caused by pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses. The chapter on the analysis of plant tissues closes with the microbiological and molecular analysis of seeds in order to detect their attack by pathogenic microorganisms. HUMOLABs laboratories offer all the above services in order to provide scientific documentation for all plant nutrition and protection problems.

In foliar diagnostic analysis, the contents of the crop are determined for:

Sodium and
Micronutrients: Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Boron, Copper.



The analysis of plant tissues allows the accurate measurement of the content of nutrients in the plant, the evaluation of fertilization, its redetermination where required and finally the improvement of the yield of the crop is achieved. In addition, deficiencies or excesses of nutrients can be identified in time, any imbalances in nutrition can be corrected and losses in production can be prevented.